Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kuskokwim Police Chase

This past weekend there was a police chase on the River of the kuskokwim river. Which i think is crazy yeah offcourse. He was shooting at civilians on the river and that is crazy. There were shooting from the river i heard during the weekend on the kusko thinking whats going on then i heard stories there was a stolen police car on the river shooting away and runing away with the police car.
What made him do such a stupid thing like that. Now a days some people are getting crazy. Because to many drinking problems or using drugs is a major problem in Alaska. Will stay out of trouble thats what i have to say.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Up the Kisaralik River

Every year i go upriver because there are a lot of fun things to do. Kisaralik is fun because i like going rod and reeling for trouts, grailings, salmmons, but the funnest fish i like to fish for is silvers because they like to fight.
Another thing i like doing upriver is hunting because well of course i love going hunting. There are lots of big game from starting from Brown/Black bears, Moose, Caribou, Wolves. But i only hunt caribous because it's a lot funner and a lot easier. But if u want to have an adventure u would want to hunt bears because they are huge and hard to hunt.
But Kisaralik is dangerous cause there is sweepers depending how far up the river u go. And u have to know the channels, even make sure u are heading the right way because therew are a lot of diffrent ways to head up the river or u might end up in a dead end or coulld be a lot shallow.
But the best part of Kisaralik river is the view because its awesome and it has a lot of badass view like the mountains the color and its just an adventure.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Moose Hunt

In Unit 18 moose hunting was closed because the number of moose was falling lower. After the 5 year moose Moritory the number of moose went up so they opened it.
This year moose hunting around Unit 18 was fun because there were a lot of moose wondering around. Moose hunting was fun cause i get to go moose hunting everyday for 10 days in Unit 18. But the down side was we only had about 10 days to hunt so i took it seriously because i wanted to catch a moose. One day me and my two friends went out hunting on Sunshine slough about just less than a mile Above our village. Me and my buddies went out hunting in a meadow and heard a bull. We were moose calling and hitting trees for a while. But finally the moose came out but only one size of the moose antler was showing. Damn that antler was big, It was so big it was easily the trophy bull around Unit 18. But that moose was huge, We were shooting and shooting but then the moose was so tough in ran away. So we folowed it into the trees. So we followed the trail but still no sign. So it was getting dark so we started heading home.